About the VIF ETF
Vanguard International Fixed Interest Index (Hedged) ETF VIF invests in the Vanguard International Fixed Interest Index Fund and tracks the Bloomberg Global Treasury Scaled Index hedged into Australian dollars.
The ETF provides low-cost exposure to high-quality, income-generating securities issued by governments from around the world. The ETF is hedged to Australian dollars so the value of the ETF is relatively unaffected by currency fluctuations.
VIF ETF pays monthly distributions, has been trading since 2015 and has total size of $608 million.
VIF ETF Performance Review
Data Current To: 31/12/2023
Our review of VIF ETF
Global, government bond portfolio
Low risk, investment grade with a weighted average credit rating of AA- as at 31 December 2023
The ETF invests in fixed rate bonds and is exposed to interest rate risk
What we like about the VIF ETF
Hedged to AUD
Very high quality, government bond portfolio
Things to be aware of about the VIF ETF
Significant loss in 2022 but now shows much improved yield to maturity
Concentrated by issuer with the top 10 issuers representing 88.3% of the portfolio as at 31 December 2023
VIF ETF Investment Strategy
The ETF provides low-cost exposure to high-quality, income-generating securities issued by governments from around the world. The ETF invests in fixed income securities that generally range in credit quality from BBB- to AAA as rated by Standard & Poor’s or equivalent ratings agency.
What does the VIF ETF Invest In?
VIF is a Government Bond ETF.
The ETF invests in fixed income securities that generally range in credit quality from BBB- to AAA as rated by Standard & Poor's or equivalent ratings agency.
At the end of August 2021 VIF ETF had more than 1,800 different securities.
The average credit quality of investments was AA- as at 31 December 2023.
VIF ETF Credit Quality
The average credit quality of the VIF ETF is AA-.
A detailed breakdown of the credit quality is expressed below.
VIF Frequently Asked Questions
What index does the VIF ETF aim to replicate?
How often does VIF ETF pay distributions?
When did the VIF ETF start?
What are the net assets of the VIF ETF?
What are the number of holdings in the VIF ETF?
What are the management fees for the VIF ETF?
How can I invest in the VIF ETF?
Does the VIF ETF have a minimum investment amount?
Are there any performance fees associated with the VIF ETF?
About The Issuer Of The VIF ETF: Vanguard