Interest rate duration is a key fixed income concept, as it measures the sensitivity of a bond’s price to changes in interest rates (or bond yields). Duration risk stems from the fact that a bond investor makes a payment today in exchange for a series of future interest payments. At the...
There are different levels of debt or bond investment in companies. The level that you invest in will be dependent on the risk you are prepared to take and the return you want to achieve. The lowest risk and highest quality investment in any single company is secured senior debt...
By Max Minack, BetaShares With the RBA cutting the official cash rate and announcing further quantitative easing (QE) measures, as well as the dwindling dividend yields on the Australian and global sharemarkets, the hunt for yield has never been so intense. Despite this, there is one source of return that...
The Covid pandemic has caused governments of all levels around the world to take on huge amounts of extra debt as they face dwindling tax income and the need to provide fiscal stimulus to boost their economies. Fortunately, demand for yield has made issuing bonds relatively easy. Yields continue...
A Biden win in the US presidential election, and vaccines with 90% plus efficacy have lifted financial markets and sentiment has changed to a ‘risk on’ mentality. All boats rise on an incoming tide, including high yield bonds. Purchases in the US to the week ending 11 November were US$3.3...
Here we interview Gary Wilson, a long-term bond investor and Toowoomba, Queensland resident. A few years ago, Gary sold all of his investments in his SMSF and put the funds into an industry superannuation fund. He was happy to not have to stock pick and didn’t want the bother....
Today marks the official launch of a new Australian based fund manager - Fortlake Asset Management. Fortlake brings together some of the best investment minds in Australia – brain child of ex UBS executive Christian Baylis and supported by “Australia’s Warren Buffet”, investor Alex Waislitz, as a major shareholder, together...
The 2020 US presidential election is turning out to be closer than expected, with the final tallying of votes extending beyond Election Day. Janus Henderson Investors director of research, Matt Peron, and global head of fixed income, Jim Cielinski, offer their perspective on what it means for markets. Key takeaways ...
Yields on investments are still declining. In the last few weeks, neo banks Judo and Volt have cut deposit rates. Judo’s one year term deposit rate has dropped from 1.41 to 1.23 per cent, still well out in front of the major banks, but it goes to show just how...
Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) are securities that help financial institutions fund operations. Simply, residential mortgages are pooled together and sold through a special purpose vehicle to investors in the over the counter fixed income market. The funds are then funneled back to the institution, so it can on-lend to...

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