​For most of the last quarter century, real short-term US interest rates have been low or negative, except when monetary policy was being tightened. Today, market pricing expects real short-term rates to remain positive. That is consistent with a soft landing rather than a recession. Bonds have performed well...
By Robert Tipp, Chief Investment Strategist and Head of Global Bonds at PGIM Fixed Income Summary Most developed market (DM) bond markets have already priced in substantial interest rate increases Bank of Japan sees inflation trend as an opportunity Chinese bond market bucks bear market trend Will we see a...
From Ihab Salib, Head of International Fixed Income, Federated Hermes Limited Emerging Markets government bonds performed very well year to date and the outlook for the next few months is a continuation of the current trend.  Broadly speaking many EM sovereigns are moving in the right direction as it relates to...
The Paris Olympics may be just around the corner, but bank-subordinated debt is the hottest ticket in town right now with investors queuing up to get a slice of the action. ANZ is the latest bank to tap the domestic subordinated debt market. Spreads continue to contract at pace as...
Fixed Income News editorial director Elizabeth Moran talks to eInvest managing director Camilla Love about her career journey working in financial services, her passion projects including Future Women in Finance and eInvest's investment philosophy and funds. Elizabeth Moran: Camilla, Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you...
Liz Harrison, Fixed Interest Analyst – ESG at Janus Henderson, discusses how the change of government could see confident commitment to net zero targets and what that means for bond investors. Key takeaways The new Labor government has committed to decarbonising the economy. Across federal, state and corporate Australia, initiatives...
Bill Bovingdon is the chief investment officer at Altius Asset Management. Altius is an experienced, specialist fixed interest asset manager that is 100% owned by Australian Unity. It actively manages diverse portfolios of fixed interest securities with a particular emphasis upon sustainable investment and through its financial and ESG...
Article contributed by asset manager Ninety One China’s inclusion into major bond indices is an exciting step for this asset class. We look at five reasons why this is an increasingly important asset class for investors’ portfolios. China is not a typical emerging market. As the world’s largest official creditor nation,...
While the consensus market outlook has shifted, US Treasuries don't appear to be following along, according to Western Asset, part of Franklin Templeton. Robert Abad, product specialist at Western Asset says: "US Treasury (UST) yields continue to ratchet higher, defying the economic data and our own expectations. What's behind the...
From Thinktank's business development manager, Lauren Ryan The non-bank lending market has been garnering consistent headlines in recent weeks, as growing economic divergence puts the focus once again on credit quality. As it is with most professional service businesses, finding an area of specialisation and knowing your client better than...

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