The ETF market continues to develop and it’s surprising the diversification you can add in a single trade. Diversification can be through: The sheer number of invested securities Various types of bonds such as fixed rate, floating rate or specific sub sectors such as government, corporate, high yield or emerging...
How serious is the inflation threat? That was the question considered by expert panel hosted by Jamieson Coote Bonds in a webinar last week. The panel was led by esteemed economist, Saul Eslake, who was joined by JCB Chairman Mark Burgess and JCB CIO Charlie Jamieson. The presentation drilled down into...
Key takeaways: Fixed income is the only asset class that demonstrates a low to negative correlation to risk assets. Fixed income provides highly efficient returns per unit of risk. Fixed income is an effective tool to manage drawdown risk. A passive manager cannot express duration, curve, sector or security...
BetaShares' chief economist David Bassanese responds to the suggestion that The Reserve Bank should face its first independent review in 40 years under a proposal from the OECD, which says it is time to address the central bank’s failure to meet key economic targets in recent years and deal...
Elizabeth Moran sits down to talk with Warren Bird about his long and varied career starting as an economist working for Treasury in Canberra, to his momentous role alongside Chris Cuffe at First State, which became Colonial First State, to his most recent role as Executive Director at Uniting...
The Australian bank capital note market has long been favored by income investors and is worth around $30 billion. Recent issues mean it's worth examining capital notes, their features and why you would consider investing. Both Westpac and Macquarie Bank have recently been in the market with a capital notes...
There are many reasons to invest in corporate bonds.  Most investors don’t realise how important the corporate bond market is to Australian companies and the rest of the world. It’s an important source of finance and almost all of Australia’s top 50 ASX listed companies’ issue or invest in...
Global asset manager Janus Henderson has outstanding research capabilities. This article gives us insight into their thinking about investing in investment-grade BBB rated securities versus sub-investment-grade BB rated securities. It also explains some key educational terms and includes a glossary. We suggest you take your time reading the article...
The first half of 2021 has seen strong growth in green bond funds including social and sustainability bonds, with Bloomberg reporting about US$294 billion raised in the sale of green bonds. Green bonds are designed to support climate or environment-related projects and bond investors are joining their equity counterparts to...
I’ve got too much cash in the bank right now as we wait to build a house so am considering investing in BetaShares CRED or HBRD. Virtually zero deposit rates are forcing me to look elsewhere. I’d like to achieve a return between 2-3% but do not want to risk...

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