by Robert Almeida, Portfolio Manager and Global Investment Strategist, MFS Investment Management Historical patterns can provide a useful roadmap for the future but can sometimes lead to mistaken assumptions. Comparing past drawdowns to the present offers little value. Every episode is unique. Companies are telling investors they can maintain historically...
We hear plenty of experts talking about sectors they favour in the current environment, but how does this translate to your portfolio? In this article, we talk to Jon Lechte, CEO and Matt Macreadie, Director of Credit Strategy for Income Asset Management for their views on how to allocate in...
Jay Sivapalan, Head of Australian Fixed Interest for Janus Henderson Investors, discusses the very different investment landscape we find ourselves in after the pandemic and how fixed interest investors can navigate the very different path ahead. Key takeaways: Dominant macro themes, including the restructuring of global trade, national security and...
Article by Manuel Hayes, Senior Portfolio Manager, Insight Investment High yield corporate credit has emerged as one of our asset class picks for 2022 (see: thoughts for 2022). Further, we believe key myths around the market help create mispricing opportunities that investors can take advantage of. MYTH 1: DEFAULT RATES ARE...
Recently I interviewed Christophe Fritsch, Head of Fund Management and Structured Finance at AXA IM Alts. It was great to get a European view of credit markets and some of the bonds they favour. Where do you see credit markets going, and what do you think might happen in the...
Steven Spearing and Joe Unwin, portfolio managers from Apostle Fund Managers provide an overview of the fund manager, their view of the bond markets, and a new ethical high yield credit fund coming to the market next month. 1. How are you viewing the bond markets at the moment and...
Liz Harrison, Fixed Interest Analyst – ESG at Janus Henderson, discusses how the change of government could see confident commitment to net zero targets and what that means for bond investors. Key takeaways The new Labor government has committed to decarbonising the economy. Across federal, state and corporate Australia, initiatives...
Last week I was fortunate enough to interview Fraser Lundie, Head of Fixed Income – Public Markets at Federated Hermes who was visiting Australia from the UK. He gave great insight to the global bond market, as well as expressing some contrarian views. How do you see the Australian Fixed...
Market sentiment has taken a decidedly negative turn as growth concerns stemming from the Federal Reserve’s monetary tightening percolate, according to Seema Shah, Chief Strategist at Principal Global Investors. Commenting on the recent market sell-off, Shah said the S&P 500 has recorded six consecutive weekly declines for the first time...
T.Rowe Price argue investors need to look beyond the ‘green’ label for companies making ESG advances as vanilla, non‑labelled bonds can have a greater impact at both societal and financial levels.  Further, investors can earn higher returns by investing in vanilla bonds. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations have become...

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