About Fixed Income News Australia (FINA)

The FINA team (L to R) – Commercial Director Ben Ready, Head of Brand and CTO Luke Greensill, Editorial Director Liz Moran, and Editorial and Social Media Manager Brenton Gibbs.

Fixed Income News Australia (FINA) is Australia’s only dedicated source of news, views and information for personal investors in fixed income. Our mission is to provide greater understanding of the important role of fixed income in a diverse, sustainable investment portfolio. We also believe that Australians deserve easier, low cost access to fixed income and will advocate strongly for a more open and transparent market. Through news, education and advocacy, we believe we can help give more Australians a secure and comfortable retirement. Together with our industry partners, we will make fixed income investing easy.

Our People

Elizabeth Moran – Editorial Director

Elizabeth is a nationally-recognised independent expert on fixed income. She has more than 25 years experience in banking and financial institutions in Australia and the UK and has been published in every major Australian newspaper and investment website. Prior to becoming an independent commentator in 2019 she spent more than 10 years as the head of education and research at fixed income broker FIIG Securities. During her time with FIIG the company grew from just 15 staff to a recognised brand name with over 6,000 clients and more than 130 staff in 2018. Prior to joining FIIG, Elizabeth worked as an Editor/Analyst for Rapid Ratings a quantitative credit rating agency, writing daily press releases for Bloomberg. She also spent five years in London, three working as a credit rating analyst for NatWest Markets. She holds a Bachelor of Business.

Ben Ready – Commercial Director

Ben is the Commercial Director of Fixed Income News Australia and responsible for fostering relationships with the site’s commercial partners. A former journalist, he has spent more than 20 years in the media and marketing industries in Australia and the United Kingdom. Ben is also the founder and Managing Editor of MBA News Australia and the Managing Director of communications, content and creative agency RGC Media & Mktng. Ben holds a Bachelor of Arts (Journalism), Master of Business (Communications), master of Business Administration (MBA) and Graduate Diploma in Investor Relations.

Brenton Gibbs – Editorial and Social Media Manager

Brenton is the editorial and social media director of Fixed Income News Australia and responsible for the editorial content development and social media presence of the site. He has written widely across a number of industry platforms including property, tourism, business and education. Brenton is a director and co-founder of communications, content and creative agency RGC Media & Mktng and editorial contributor to MBA News Australia. He holds a Bachelor of Management (Marketing) degree and Associate Diploma in Business from the University of South Australia.

Luke Greensill – Chief Technical Officer & Head of Brand

Luke is the Chief Technical Officer of Fixed Income News Australia and responsible for website design and development, including fund finder functionality. He has worked for ASX-listed industry leaders and a variety of marketing agencies across Australia. Luke is Head of Marketing at of communications, content and creative agency RGC Media & Mktng, MBA News Australia and Online MBA Australia. He holds a Diploma of Creative Arts and is Google Accredited.

Our Values

We fight for fixed income.

We are passionate about the role of fixed income in helping Australians live a secure, sustainable retirement.

We are committed to education and increasing the understanding of fixed income and its important role in a balanced portfolio.

We want Australians to feel confident and comfortable investing in fixed income.

We are inspired by investment ideas that help build an income that will allow more Australians to live their best life.

We want an open, transparent fixed income market that is available to ALL Australians.

Our Purpose

Building knowledge and confidence

Fixed income is the world’s largest asset class with a highly diversified range of investments across all levels of risk. In Australia there are more than $1.5 trillion worth of fixed interest securities on issue.

Despite a growing trend towards self managed superannuation funds, many Australians still lack a basic understanding of the value and importance of fixed income.

We are committed to providing the tools and confidence to allow more Australians to invest in fixed income. We will unravel the complexity of fixed income by using language that all investors can understand.

At Fixed Income News Australia our role is to facilitate greater awareness of fixed income and campaign for greater access for personal investors and retirees.


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